Bethesda The Elder Scrolls V Skyrim [Legendary Edition] (PS3)

Bethesda The Elder Scrolls V Skyrim [Legendary Edition] (PS3)

140,86 RON

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Joc Elder Scrolls V Skyrim Legendary Edition pentru PS3

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Pretul minim actual al produsului: 140,86 RON

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Descrierea produsului
Categorie joc RPG

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The Elder Scrolls V Skyrim Legendary Edition Ps3 este un joc de tip role playing game lansat de Bethesda in data de 6/7/2013 disponibil pentru  PC Xbox 360 si PlayStation 3.

The Elder Scrolls V Skyrim Legendary Edition  va oferi cea mai recenta versiune a jocului (v1.9) si va î ncorpora toate cele trei add-on-uri lansate pâ na î n prezent: Dawnguard Hearthfire si Dragonborn.

Product Description
Winner of more than 200 Game of the Year awards experience the complete Skyrim collection with The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim Legendary Edition including the original critically-acclaimed game official add-ons – Dawnguard Hearthfire and Dragonborn – and added features like combat cameras mounted combat Legendary difficulty mode for hardcore players and Legendary skills – enabling you to master every perk and level up your skills infinitely.

Key Features  The Elder Scrolls V Skyrim Legendary Edition 

Live Another Life In Another World - Play any type of character you can imagine and do whatever you want the freedom of choice storytelling and adventure of The Elder Scrolls comes to life in one legendary experience complete with added weapons armor spells and shouts from all three official add-ons.

Dawnguard - The Vampire Lord Harkon has returned to power. By using the Elder Scrolls he seeks to do the unthinkable - to end the sun itself. Will you join the ancient order of the Dawnguard and stop him? Or will you become a Vampire Lord? In Dawnguard the ultimate choice will be yours.

Hearthfire - Purchase land and build your own home from the ground up - from a simple one-room cottage to a sprawling compound complete with an armory alchemy laboratory and more. Use all-new tools like the drafting table and carpenter’ s workbench to turn stone clay and sawn logs into structures and furnishings. Even transform your house into a home by adopting children.

Dragonborn - Journey off the coast of Morrowind to the vast island of Solstheim. Traverse the ash wastes and glacial valleys of this new land as you become more powerful with shouts that bend the will of your enemies and even tame dragons. Your fate and the fate of Solstheim hangs in the balance as you face off against your deadliest adversary – the first Dragonborn.

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