Square Enix Dungeon Siege III (PS3)

Square Enix Dungeon Siege III (PS3)

105,15 RON In stoc
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Joc Dungeon Siege III 3 pentru PS3

Gratuit la peste 299, Verificare colet la livrare.

105,15 RON
+ 16,90 RON costul livrarii
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Joc Dungeon Siege III 3 pentru PS3

Gratuit la peste 299, Verificare colet la livrare.

105,15 RON
+ 16,90 RON costul livrarii
In stoc

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Pretul minim actual al produsului: 105,15 RON

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Descrierea produsului
Categorie joc RPG

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Dungeon Siege 3 is a bit like talking to an old childhood friend about the new Bill and Ted movie. It’s a game that contains a lot of nostalgic throwbacks to classic PC action-RPGs of the 1990s, whilst injecting a heavy dose of modern design sensibilities to keep the audience of today satisfied.

This new adventure tells a tale of the 10th Legion, a band of warriors who look after the Kingdom of Ehb and keep it from harm. Unfortunately, at some point in time the king of the land cops it, leading to a civil war led by nasty bastard Jeyne Kassynder. She’s in cahoots with the Russian-sounding Lescanzi race and has plans to control the kingdom for her own ends. You play as several interesting characters, who stand as one of the few remaining Legionnaires ready to fight off the evil threat.

This will be the first time Dungeon Siege has appeared on a home console before, but if you were a bit of a PC nut a decade ago and are thus familiar with the series then you’ll feel right at home with the camera and various HUD panels. The action is frantic and furious, and brings home all of the feelings you had from playing action RPGs of old.

If you have friends, you can also engage in a co-op mode that allows for a more exciting adventure between friends. Dungeon Siege III’s world will entrance you in a spellbinding story of the ages

Denumiri similare la Jocuri PlayStation 3 Square Enix Dungeon Siege III (PS3): Dungeon Siege III PS 3, DungeonSiegeIIIPS3, Dungeon Siege III (PS 3)



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